There's always more clowns in the clown car
2021 was peak market price but 2022 was peak degeneracy. I hope?
2022 was a year of hubris and madness. It was the staggering, drunken hangover of the 2021 bull market, lurching through a cascade of increasingly lurid stories of greed, fraud and idiocy. Bitcoin appeals equally to philosophers, idiots and criminals — but they don’t all contribute equally to the public’s impression of Bitcoin. The crypto industry is like a circus — there are skilled experts doing high-stakes maneuvers and there are hard-working stagehands shoveling away all the shit but most people would rather just laugh at the clowns. Hopefully by the end of 2023 I will be writing a post about how stable and mature the industry has become.
"Remember 2022?" we’ll chuckle, "It was a simpler time!”


Have Fun Staying Poor (Sea Shanty)
What the hell’s an NFT? (SNL)
That’s a Scam! (SBF Remix)